The Sacramento Bee takes local news to the next level, covering historic wildfires and addressing reader questions.
California wildfires start in the woods. Why do cities keep burning? Story by Benjy Egel. Video by Akira Olivia Kumamoto, Hector Amezcua and Ryan Sabalow.
Miami Herald expertly pulls together the story of mail bombing suspect and Trump fanatic, Cesar Sayoc.
Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc, lost and angry, found his tribe with Trump. Story by Linda Robertson, Sarah Blaskey and Martin Vassolo. Video edited by Marta Oliver Craviotto.
The Kansas City Star explores the chilling tale of a crime spree that began in the 1960s and the man suspected in multiple killings.
Stalk. Murder. Repeat. A suspected serial killer and a decades-long string of crimes. Stories by Ian Cummings, Glenn E. Rice and Tony Rizzo. Videos by Shelly Yang and Neil Nakahodo.
The Charlotte Observer puts a face on the issue of low-income housing, including what it means for people who earn roughly $25,000 a year in full-time positions. It then follows up with how that ballot issue fared in the election.
Charlotte spent millions on low-income housing, but poor people can’t afford it.
As the dust settles, here’s what changed in Charlotte after the Midterm Election. Story by Fred Clasen-Kelly and Julianna Rennie. Video by David T. Foster III.
High-utility storytelling wins the day for local newsrooms during the 2018 Election as evidenced by multiple McClatchy newsrooms’ “procrastinator’s guides” to filling out ballots. Check out The Idaho Statesman’s below.
A procrastinator’s guide to the 2018 Election. Story by Nicole Blanchard and Kelsey Grey.
Miami Herald makes sense of the 12 amendments on Florida’s card.
Here are the 12 constitutional amendments of Florida’s 2018 ballot and what they do. Story by Elizabeth Koh. Video by Christian Colón.
The McClatchy Washington bureau takes a hard look at what turned the tide on the Republican-controlled House.
This is how Republicans lost the House. Story by Katie Glueck, Alex Roarty and Adam Wollner.
And The Kansas City Star examines what unraveled two key campaigns with national impact.
Inside the campaign that defeated Claire McCaskill. Story by Lindsay Wise and Bryan Lowry, McClatchy Washington bureau.
Inside Kris Kobach’s losing Kansas campaign: ‘Check logic and reason at the door.’ Story by Hunter Woodall, Kansas City Star and Bryan Lowry, McClatchy Washington bureau.
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