Extraordinary Journalism

5 min readApr 27, 2020


Twice a month we curate the most compelling journalism from the 30 newsrooms across the U.S. that together make McClatchy

We fight for our communities through our accountability journalism, and it is drawing national attention. Miami broke the news that an aide to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had pressured a law firm not to file the Herald’s suit seeking public records on elder-care facilities. The Kansas City Star’s editorials held Kansas Republicans to account for risking lives in a dispute with the governor over Easter services. The Sacramento Bee explained how health officials in California are using “patient privacy” to improperly keep critical information secret.

We have helped readers and viewers to understand everything from how to wear a face mask to when federal stimulus checks will arrive. We’ve connected organizations in need with those who want to help. We’ve described in vivid detail how the crisis is affecting health workers, the sick and the suddenly unemployed.

And we’ve given people a break from the turmoil with approaches both simple — a drone flight over a peaceful Missouri River — and complex — organizing a live concert series featuring Sacramento area bands.

Read on for the April edition of Extraordinary Journalism.


Herald drafted a suit seeking ALF records. DeSantis aide pressured law firm not to file it

Story By Daniel Chang, Miami Herald

War over Easter: Kansas lawmakers revoke Gov. Kelly’s order limiting church gatherings — By Jonathan Shorman, Amy Reneé Leiker and Michael Stavola, The Wichita Eagle

‘Giving up on the system’: Beaufort Co. woman waits 16 days on coronavirus test result — By Lucas Smolcic Larson, The Island Packet

Critical information about coronavirus pandemic is kept secret in California. Here’s why — By Ryan Sabalow and Jason Pohl, The Sacramento Bee, and Cresencio Rodriguez-Delgado, The Fresno Bee


Coronavirus stimulus checks are coming to California: Here’s who gets money, who doesn’t

Story By David Lightman, McClatchy DC

Are you wearing your face mask properly? Many people aren’t, coronavirus experts say — By Don Sweeney, McClatchy Real-time

California will look at 6 factors to determine when stay-at-home orders will loosen, Newsom says — By Sophia Bollag, The Sacramento Bee


Empty Spaces in the Time of Coronavirus

By Scott Sharpe and Julia Wall, The News & Observer

Centre County takeout restaurant guide: Dozens of local businesses you can help support — By Centre Daily Times staff

Does your group need help? Have help to give? Here’s info on coronavirus aid in the Triangle — Story By Drew Jackson and Susan Spring, Video By Julia Wall, The News & Observer


Dallas-Fort Worth residents out of work due to coronavirus forced to make hard choices

Story By Jack Howland, Video By Amanda McCoy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram

You’ve survived the hellish slog through Florida’s ‘reemployment’ gauntlet. Here’s your prize — Story By Shirsho Dasgupta, McClatchy DC, Video By Reshma Kirpalani, McClatchy Video

First a candy-striper then a nurse. Gibbie Harris is in the middle of her career’s biggest crisis. — Story By Jim Morrill, Video By Stephanie Bunao, The Charlotte Observer


Idaho’s extremist views during coronavirus are not just political philosophy; they’re dangerous — By the Idaho Statesman Editorial Board

NC lawmakers are thinking about reopening restaurants. When is that a good idea? — By The Charlotte Observer Editorial Board

Take a break

Band Together: The Bee’s new live concert series featuring Sacramento artists and bands

By The Sacramento Bee staff

A moment of beauty in a time of turmoil-Take flight for a bird’s-eye view of the tranquil Missouri River near sunset — By Jill Toyoshiba, The Kansas City Star

Kittens and penguins wander aquariums emptied by coronavirus — and people love it — By Simone Jasper, McClatchy Real-time


How a ventilator works

By Eric Garland and Patrick Gleason, McClatchy Video

Analyzing the Seahawks’ options for the 2020 NFL Draft — By Eric Garland, McClatchy Video (video team doing one for every market with an NFL team)




Written by McClatchy

A leading publisher of independent local journalism dedicated to delivering news and information that is essential to communities. #ReadLocal

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